What could be better than a leopard/nailhead/shabby crackle combo? Would look cute so many places in my house.

I am really really lusting after these birdcages. But at $50 on Ebay, I doubt my husband would understand the need to get them.


These would be so fun to drink *real* hot chocolate out of. Very French, plus they would match my vintage restaurantware.
And now for the question. I know one of my favorite things to see in a blog post is someone's home. All of it. Every room. Is that something that interests (all 9 of) you? I am thinking of starting to post full rooms in my home for the heck of it.... once we paint the entry hall, living room and hallway next week and then I scrub the heck out of it, then you can see it. Would it be a waste of time or is it something that you would find fun to see? Even if you're lurking, please come out and give me your opinion. Pretty Please! Just curious...
And lastly, if you haven't already, please check out Heather Bullard's kitchen redesign. It is so inspirational... I've already stared at the photos several times today then tweaked my counters accordingly. And if anyone has any idea where to get a little 2 drawer organizer like the one on her counter (on the right, and I do not know the proper name for them) please please please let me know. I must have one. And I have no idea what they're called (a miniature dresser or chest of drawers?) nor where to get one.
**The last 2 photos are from Posh Chicago. Check out their website, it's fab!
I too am like that! I love to look and get inspiration. Bring it on!
Love it all...we would love to see your house. I know I seem to get the most comments when I post my own rooms.
I would love to see your house. Please share.
That is so funny...i just had the SAME conversation with my hubby about the birdcages(same ones from ebay) and he wasn't feeling it at all.
They just don't get it :)
Kari- Thanks so very much for your visit to my blog and your kind words. I do not mind one bit if you want to feature Debbie's house! I can see why you would be drawn to it after reading about you! I collect bird's nests, too, and you have inspired me for my next post!! I have been so very inconsistent in posting that it is a thrill to wake up and find a comment..... someone is still reading my blog, yea! I want to create a blog roll (I think that is what it is called?) on the side of my blog as soon as I learn how, and I will definitely include you.....did I mention I'm a slow learner? Thanks again! Ann
I visit your blog daily, but Im not very good at leaving comments. I would LOVE to see your home! I really enjoy seeing other peoples ideas!
I would love to see your home!
{and up that number to 10 girl}
I discovered your blog about a month ago and put it on my blog roll immediately! I would love to see your house - every room :) I also was inspired by your tea staining a few posts ago and tea stained a bed skirt and matelasse bed cover following your instructions (my husband thought I was crazy) but as soon as the room is put together I'll send you a pic! - Kristin
I hope your including me as one of your 9 readers. I would love to see you home!
I am a "lurker" as you call them. Ha! I don't have a blog but love looking at others. I check yours out almost daily. Yes, please post pics of your home. I'd love to see more. I read blogs for decorating ideas and other general ideas. I really like your style (from what you've shown so far).
Can't wait to see your home...I like what I've seen so far. I'm with you on Heather's kitchen very charming and also very workable.
Wow! I woke up and checked my blog and all of you had posted! I feel so loved! I will definitely start posting rooms, although I admit I am a bit nervous. #1 My photography skills are a bit lacking and #2 I am not sure how my rooms will look from the camera's perspective. But at the same time I'm excited because I know how much I *love* seeing other people's homes. And you lurkers, THANK YOU for coming out to talk. I so appreciate it!
I recently stumbled across your blog and really enjoy it! And would like to say that one of my favorite things is to see the inside of others peoples homes and what they have done with them! So please please share!
I may have been a lurker until now--but I'm a committed lurker. HA! I would love to see pics of your house! I enjoy seeing what other people have done to their homes.
I would love to see all of your home..Those birdcages.... gotta get them. Beautiful!
Delurking to say, I LOVE this idea.
Also, that I love your style! Sandra
Definitely post pictures! It's fun to get ideas. Thanks.
OH! I ALWAYS love to look in real people's homes!!!! Really! Aren't most bloggers "peeping Toms" (or should that be "peeping Tiffanys") at heart? Isn't "peeping" into homes one of the reasons HGTV is so popular?
Please feel free to show us your home!
And, yes, I would be honored if you referenced my idea...or any ideas from my blog. That was sweet of you to ask.
Hi, Kari, oh absolutely we'd love to see more of your home. I love what I've seen so far. Speaking of that first little stool. I have one just like it for my vanity area & can't figure out how to get it off to recover. I've looked & looked but no screws are visible to take off the seat. Wah!!
Oh, and you are so right about Heather's kitchen! blew me away, love all the details. I'd love to do a little updating on mine.
Yes pretty please! Your style is top notch!
Hi Kari,
I think I may have commented once or twice, but mostly I read... anyway, I love looking at other people's houses, and you have great style, so please share!
I've been all about the birds and birdhouses lately, I think Spring Fever is spreading over blogland. Love the kitchen re-do you linked to, what great ideas!
This lurker looks forward to seeing pics of your house, love the blog, btw!
Just came by and had to add you to my ever growing list of blogs to visit. I would love to see your home. We all show vignettes and sometimes I'm frustrated because I want to see how things fit into the big picture. Make sense? Looking forward to it.
Thanks to all the "lurkers" who came out to post - I hope you comment more often!
Stacey - I know exactly what you mean. I too appreciate seeing the whole big picture. I will get on this assignment soon, I promise!
I would love to see pictures of your home. Your other pictures are fabulous and it will be fun to see more!
I had to comment....yep...I visit without commenting too often...sorry...I would love to see pictures of your rooms....I wish everyone would show more of their rooms...with so many of my favorite magazine going out of publication...I am sure to look more and more to my favorite blogs for inspiration!
I found your blog when I searched for "Heather Chadduck." She is my absolute, favorite designer. When I read your post about her, I thought I may as well have written it. I love your style! Please, post photos of your home.
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