This past year I have been preoccupied {ok, obsessed} with all things feathered, including eggs, nests, cages and even little faux birds. Is this a trend? I mean, I know it's "in" right now but will it be gone next year? I don't know, but for now I am enjoying all things bird, as seen in this post. They are sweet, I had a pet bird as a child, their song is divine, and they are seasonless. I know most people associate them with spring, but truly they are seasonless. Like starfish. But I digress.
I thought the above image, from Victoria Magazine was so beautiful I had to share. And I came across some other pretty images from the web. I have bird stuff slowly creeping into every room of my house, but with recent camera problems, I can't take any pictures right now. Hope you enjoy the little bird show!

I passed up a framed print just like this {except the egg was robins egg blue, gulp} at Ross on clearance last year. Yes, I said passed up. I have kicked myself ever since.

Have I ever mentioned it is my dream to own chickens and roosters and have a fancy little hen house for them???

Love the combo of bird prints and the little potted succulent in the zinc tin. Lovely.

Faux eggs and rooster at my house.

Fantastic hanging bird cages from Ballard Designs.

My .50 garage sale birdcage, spraypainted black.

A fun, vintage inspired print from allposters.com

A beautiful locket and bird charm from etsy: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=sr_gallery_5&listing_id=19505837

How darling would this be in a little girl's hair?
And lastly, how cute are these kraft paper gift tags? Love.

I have some of those SAME bird nest prints..in fact I posted one of them today...they hang in my bath. I bought the Cavallini and comp. postcards and framed them. I also bought the calender JUST for the prints..of the eggs etc. Whether it is a trend or not I DONT care....I love them. I collect the old bird prints whenever I find them. Love your bureau all dressed up. cherry
Hi, Kari, I too love birds & birdsnests...seems there are many of us obsessed with those things too. And I love your blog & am honored that you added me to your blogroll. I love coming by to visit you too! Thanks for stopping by.
that locket is to die for. I can't believe you didn't buy it.
I've always wanted chickens, but I don't think they would do to well in the cold.
I too am obsessed. I absolutley love the bird and nest! I think it is symbolic. Beautiful. Natural. Organtic. Amazing.
I love that locket, too! And I do love birds and bird nests!
Thanks for sharing.
I love birds as well (Uh, yeah, the Shabby NEST). Thanks for sharing all these wonderful images!
I am the SAME way right now about birds :)
Love the first picture...would love to have those birdcages! Sweet birds, nests and birdcages are everywhere and it is hard to not just love them. I also dream of a sweet old farmhouse with chickens in the yard. Maybe someday.
Hi Kari, I love this post! While I personally don't want chickens, my husband does.:) I love the birds, the nests, the eggs....
Hope you have a happy weekend!
xo Lidy
Hi Kari,
I too have a thing for birds, nests & eggs. I think that the blue of a robin's egg is the most beautiful color. I don't know if it is a trend, but I think that if you love something, it doesn't matter. When you fall out of love with it, just let it go and replace it with what you love then. Thanks for the fun pics!
You know my love all things nests and birds - you will be hearing more about it on my blog. Anyway, I have purchased several vintage nest egg prints on ebay - very reasonably priced and had them framed (a bit pricey) but the result is wonderful. Check out ebay! As you can see, I am catching up on your posts!
I'm planing my wedding and bird case is one of the theme element. Do you think you could find me those amazing round and brown cases?? find me email me. : ) love your work
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