My Dad, a Real Estate Broker for 25 years, is semi-retiring and moving his office home. He offered me the antique oak table that he used as a conference/desk table for the last 25 years. I think I should take it as
1. it's a lot nicer than my dining table
2. He sat and it for 25 years and conducted millions of dollars of business at it so it's sentimental
3. It's a lot nicer than my dining table.
Here's a {very small} picture of it. Please click to enlarge.

Problem is, there are no chairs to match and my current chairs are way too country. So I'm chair hunting. In my dream world, I would buy chairs like these without the worry of PB&J getting smashed into their crevices:

Or these lovelies.... which would be stained and ruined within minutes of putting them in my house:

Or even these, whose sublime striped padded seats would become plaid, with ketchup being the other stripe:

So basically, I need solid wood chairs. And I need them cheap. Like no more than $60 per chair, max. Kind of limits your options, you know? But, I found these at Each style comes in antique black or antique white. I think black might look better against the table finish, but I have an antique white hutch, seen here, in the same room. So what I am asking is, do either of these chairs have the character or shape to compliment the table? And what color should I do, black or white? I am not into getting wood to match the table... I like the mismatched eclectic look. If neither of these chairs look like they would work, feel free to tell me that too. But I haven't found any solid wood chairs anywhere else for this price {2 for $129 on sale} so I think I should try and make it work. Also, I could possibly repaint my hutch black {would look really cool with all my white dishes} and then get the black chairs. Not sure... Here are your choices:
#1 Montclair - Sheaf back chair. The turned legs are nice counterpoints to the turned trestle legs of the table. Remember, antique black or antique white. Here's the link to the chairs

2. Bedford chair. The slight urn shape in the back panel would also reference the turned legs of the antique table.... not sure if the top horizontal bar would look as good, but to me these remind me of Pottery Barn chairs.

Thank you so much for your opinion!!!
**Edited to add: the dining room wall seen in the hutch post {linked above} is now going to be Svelte Sage. Don't know if that makes it more clear with the chair choices or more confusing. Just thought I'd tell you we reached a paint conclusion and the red wall is no more. It will be lovely in a deep sage.
I love the Monteclair chairs. What a great deal on a pair. I think I'd go with the antique white but leave the table stained. I'm sure what ever you do will be lovely.
Hi Amy,
Thank you for taking the time to give me your opinion! I appreciate it and I too am leaning toward the Monteclair chair.
Hi Amy,
I think I would go with the antique white also. I love the Montclair chairs too. I like the second chair in black, but not sure if I'd like it in ant. white. Plus, if you wanted to change it over time, it would be easier to paint black over ant. white, than the other way around. What a beauty of a table, and how special it will be for you to have it!
I like the Bedford chair in black. To me, the back of the chair looks more substantial and a bit more updated. The hutch could be painted black, and I think it would look nice against sage green walls. And your dishes would pop. I may be alone on this, but that's my opinion. :-)
You have great taste, so I look forward to seeing whatever you do!
Suzanne & Amber - I agree the bedford is more updated and I am leaning more toward a black chair but am concerned it will look *too* mismatched with an antique white hutch, a dark oak table and black chairs. I think if I did go with the Montclair, it would definitely be black to bring it up to date a little more. But do you think the Bedford is just too casual??? - that is my concern with that chair.
ha! i just happen to have 2 chairs left in shop!!
your lucky day;}
Oh Kasey... I wish I lived closer to you! I bet they're fabulous!
I like the Bedford chair, I have a similar style from PB in antique white. I really don't think they look too casual. So I think you could totally do it in antique white if you choose to.
Also, you asked about the ages of the kiddos on the votive project...I did those last year when my daughter was 4...(almost 5) and she totally did great. So, short answer, 5-year-olds can totally handle it...with mom supervision. ;-)
Before you spend the big bucks, maybe you should consider painting the chairs you have. Painting them black might make them look less "country."
OR, you could cover your existing chairs with easy-to-clean slipcovers. You can even change the colors of the covers with the seasons.
Just something to think about.
What a great table! Perhaps it's a little heavy and formal to work with a white airy cottage look. Painting the table white would work but since that was not an option you brought up I'll assume that you don't want to paint it (and I don't blame you.) So, I'd go with the black hutch and chairs, that will give your other pieces the weight and formality to work with the table, and like you said, it would make your white dishes really pop. Have fun with it either way!
Hi - this is my first time leaving a comment although I read your blog daily. Hope you don't mind if I put in my two cents here. I prefer the cleaner lines of the Bedford chair and would definitely suggest getting them in antique white. They do remind me of Pottery Barn chairs and I don't think they're too casual at all. I love that look. Good luck with your decision.
I don't think the Bedford is too casual. The other chair's spindles and back are too skinny and visually "light" to me--I think the Bedford is more substantial, like the table. Does that make any sense at all???
And I would paint the hutch black if you go with black chairs. I feel like I sound so opinionated--haha! Whatever you do will be great!
I love the Bedford Chairs! I would keep them Black & keep the hutch white.
I currently have sage green sofa's with cream & black toile curtains in my living room. Green (in many shades), black & white are a fabulous combination. You could bring your look together with a few black pieces in your hutch. I would leave the table as is.
I can't wait to see what you are going to do with all this wonderful information we have freely given~~~~~~Good Luck!
Oh btw, I have chosen a paint color combo, Benny Moore, Gentle Cream & Simply White.
What a great table to get from your dad! And it's OLD oak which is beautiful. I really think black will mix so well with this old oak. I have a bedroom that I've mixed black and oak in & it really looks good. Since your wall color is going lighter green, you could paint the hutch black and your dishes would look great, like you said. Black chairs & black hutch. And honestly I think either chair would work.
Hi Cutie pie! Thanks for sneakin' in and following me, what a compliment, I feeel so bored over at my blog..I dont know how anyone could want to follow me! Thanks..
If this were my sitch I would totally go with the black chairs,tall enough and the weight seems right to me. If you are any kind of sewer (seamstress) which I am totally not, but I made some awesome things with canvas drop cloths( might have seen on the blog, posted a video just last week..)
They wash up awesomely, you could paint a great stripe (or pattern) on them, ect. then with that inspiration maybe paint the back of the hutch the same? a little texture goes along way. Might be fun! Just a thought..
I totally know what your saying, I have a hutch that has all things dish..egads, what a mess mine is.
Love the blog, Ill be stalking, I mean around, to see what you come up with.
Lisa :)
Thank you all so much for all your help! I really appreciate everyone's feedback, whether you're a regular poster or not. I *think* I am going with the Bedford chair because I saw it in person today and it's really nice and heavy. I am not sure about black or cream because I am thinking about keeping my slipcovered parsons endchairs which have a cream/white slipcover.
Not sure if I want to paint the hutch... I mean I want to, but I don't want the work. I have refinished it 3 times and last time I did it several years ago I swore I would never do it again. Might have to accessorize with some black if I go with black chais, like Lisa suggested. I just don't know yet until we paint this weekend. But I love your comments and opinions, so please keep them coming!
I would do the Montclair - the color depends on the look you are going for in your home. If you stained the table a dark chocolate (which would update the oak finish) I would go with the antiqued white, I like the dark/light contrast. If you have more black in your house, I would do that - both black or white are neutrals but achieve a very different look. Do white if you are going the more french/shabby route in your house. There is my 2 cents! Thanks for your support of my blog! For some reason when I was linking to you, your page was not refreshed so thought you were not posting ans was missing you. Jill
Jill, you have an awesome idea to stain the table dark chocolate and then get white chairs. Problem is, I've never actually refinished wood. I mean, I've painted over wood finishes many times, but restaining? Not sure how well I would do stripping and staining. But that is a fantastic idea and one I am going to strongly consider because I think it would look really good.
Hi, Kari, I found a great inspiration pic I just have to share with you from my new House Beautiful book. I think you will love it & it's very similar to what you are doing here. I don't see your email posted, so email me at and I'll email it to you.
It's a great pic, wait til you see it!
Oh, and after seeing this pic, I'm going to have to change my vote to cream chairs & black hutch. Looks like only the last pic you posted comes in cream.
Good Morning!
I love the Bedford chairs is antique white! They really remind me of the bentwood chair in your "Spring Dreaming" post from January 11. I think they would look fabulous with that table.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment! I love your blog and hope you don't mind if I add you as a favorite!
Good luck with your chair decision - I think that whatever you decide on will be beautiful - just have fun with it!
I love your hutch just as it is. I would also keep your covered chairs at the ends of the table. I think the the Bedford chairs look great and I would take them in black. Can't wait to see what you do....
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