...give me your opinion on these chairs? I am looking for a pair of occasional chairs to make a small seating area in my family room where we have our kitchen/dining table. I would be putting the chairs up against the long wall and have a small french inspired table in between them. Their purpose would be to sit and have a cup of coffee, chat with a friend or enjoy the nearby fireplace. Or if I'm preparing a meal, 2 of my guests could be sitting in these chairs which would face the kitchen and allow for conversation.
The cushions are terrible and would need to be replaced, but should I be going more for an upholstered look, or would these suit my needs? What do you think??? I want to know. They are 2 for $90, by the way, if that should influence your decision at all...
I love the lines of them, and they seem to go with your "style"....what do you think WON"T go?? I bet with some lovely new cushions and a sweet little pillow, they'll be perfect. If you tired of the cane, I suppose you could always do a little slip cover.....are they sturdy chairs?
Good luck.
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for the feedback. My concern is that they might not be cushy enough for long sitting. And do they look like head chairs from a dining set and not occasional chairs? Should I be looking at more of an upholstered wingback for the purposes I need it for? What do you think?
Thanks again!
I like the lines, make the cushions about 3-4 " thick, or better yet, stuffed with down feathers!
Very French, shabby.....
The chairs are gorgeous. I can totally picture exactly what you are talking about. I would go for it if I were you. They really are great!
I really like the chairs, but I think I would go for upholstered chairs for what you're thinking. Also, it seems like you have doubts about these chairs so I'd consider something else.
I really like them, the price is fabulous and i feel like they can really be spiced up to look fabulous. I think they'd be pretty comfy (with the right cushions) and your guests would be lounging in them all night long...right? haha. I say go for it!
I think they are beautiful and very comfy looking for coffee and a chat!! With a price like that..I'd say go for it!!
Have a great weekend!
I love them!
I think they would be perfect. Get some nice foam for the seat cushions, and make or buy a small throw pillow for each one in something that would match your colors in that area.
Can't beat the price!
They are gorgeous chairs which could definitely do with plumper, phoufier cushions. The height of the backs can handle that. I would also recommend complimentary throw pillows for your friends to use as needed. : )
Enjoying your blog!
Julie M.
ah so pretty!
oh and upholster them with floral Cath Kidston inspired fabric..
Love the chairs. The cane backs are fabulous. I guess I would go for comfort and style. When I go for style sometimes the chair doesn't fit the needs of the hubby & that can be a problem. Are the chairs suitable for all members of the family and guest?
They certainly are beautiful chairs.......I once spent a lot of $$$$ on an awesome antique chair that no one liked to sit in!
I love these! I would love to have a pair and the price seems very reasonable. I think they are perfect for your style! They may not be comfy for long sitting, but for a short sit while you are cooking, I think they'd be great. Can't wait to see what you decide!
charming, and for the pair I would say a good price.
Those are way to ugly for you, but would be perfect for me! :) Just kidding...I love those chairs! I think you should paint them a glossy black and use a fabric like black and white check or toile, or whatever would match. What a great find!
I really like these chairs, they look kind of french don't you think? I could find a home for them real quick!! Talk soon, Chrissy
Thank you for all of your feedback! I am looking for other chairs as well but still considering these at the same time. We'll have to see what I decide. Technically, I have to sell my leather arm chair before I purchase anything else... my sister was going to buy it but decided not to so I will have to list it on Craig'slist.
Love the chairs, adore your taste! I would love to sit in them and have coffee with you. Can't wait to see if you purchase and how they turn out.
I like these chairs and after flipping back through some of your posts, I see that they fit your style. I think there needs to be a balance between the "legs" of furniture in a room. You don't want to have too many exposed legs. In my traditional den, I have brown leather furniture. I recently purchased two "accent chairs" from TJMaxx which have exposed legs in order to balance things out. The beauty of the chairs you are considering is the fact that they are unique and can be moved to another room or changed with very little effort. I really like them and think the price is right.
Margaret, you make a really interesting point. They would be in the kitchen table area so there would be lots of exposed legs. I never thought to look at TJ Maxx... that is a great idea. I like these because of the french lines but you're right... too many leggy pieces of furniture and not enough fabric could end up feeling cold. It's something to think about. Thank you for your comment.
I think these are great chairs if you put more comfy seat cushions....but for what you are talking about I might find more comfortable chairs. The price is great though! It will be fun to see what you do.
I personally love them! I think, like one of the commenters above, that if you add some down to the cushions, they would be perfectly heavenly to sit in and chat! I love the legs, and the caning is pretty too! My vote? Go for it!
What a great deal! I think they would look great painted with the over-stuffed cushion look. You could even get away with doing a second cushion on top of the first.
Oh my...if you don't want them, I will!!! They are beautiful and with new cushions...perfect. Go for it!
Well????Did you get them?? Talk soon, Chrissy
I say go for it. I would make the cushions with down so they would be fluffier and maybe make a tie on back cushion. If you decide later they don't work in that area, I'm sure you could find somewhere to use them or seems like you have a long line of people who would like to have them, me included....
I love the look of them and think they would def suit the purpose you are going for. Question is are they comfortable to sit in?
Hey there, did you end up with these chairs? They are so pretty. I can imagine them with new cushions and fabric. You could do a lot with them.
I'm so glad you are joining in on the Pay it forward fun. If you can email me (brosequilts at yahoo.com) with your mailing address. I have a good idea of your style but if there is something specific you want me to hunt for, let me know. :)
Hey! I'm such a dope but I deleted your email by accident. I still can't get used to this laptop, I need a mouse. lol Would you mind resending it? Sorry about that!
Hi! I just wanted to let you know I adore your blog...so, I am passing on to you an award! I feel you are so inspiring and have a great zest for life, that is why you are so deserving of the "Attitude of Gratitude" award! Please come by and pick it up. :)
Hugs to you,
O.K..... blogging break is over,stop by soon and let me know you are still in the land of the living!! All the best, Chrissy
oh and by the way you got an Award , check it out on my blog !
and yes blogging break is so over please come back!
Go for it girl! $90 for the pair is a good price, especially because they look so frenchy. Just change the cushions and have a round table about the same color and voila...you have a frenchy bistro set for the' et cafe'!
P.S. Thanks for visiting me today...luv the bedsheets as well and much cheaper than the one at Anthropologie.
Love them!!! Do it girl!
I am with the rest of them love the lines, love the price, just recover the cushions, maybe add more stuffing, and a throw pillow and wow! I like cream and splenda in my coffee
Hey you, just checking in hope all is well with you, do stop by and let me know your up and going again,all the best,Chrissy
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