Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Botanical Love

When I was at the Alameda Flea Market, I came across a dealer who had an entire booth almost exclusively of botanicals, many of them vintage, and my heart almost leaped out of my chest, for you see I *heart* botanicals. He also had tons of egg prints, all of which I wanted to take home, but at $40 for a 5x7, I decided to go the traditional botanical route. What I ended up with was a large poster that was an enlargement of a seed catalog for a "potager" or kitchen garden in Paris in 1884. Hello? How could I possibly resist. It was so hard to get a picture of it as it's hung high on the wall above an armoire, but here she is:

I added her to my growing collection of botanicals. These 2 were an anniversary gift a couple years back from a great friend:

These 3 were purchased at Ross on clearance... I think $6 each!

And although this is not a botanical, it is a very cute green ball on top of a very cute urn next to a really cool stack of weathered Shakespeare books, so it's along for the ride:


Suzann said...

Thanks for the eye candy!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I love, love, love this!