I love this style too, in all it's utilitarian, earthy, country pared-down chic, but I feel like I could never achieve it in my own home because I like a little more (muted)
Which brings me to Boho Belgian. You know Kirsten Hollister, the one who won Oprah's decorating contest last year? She has started her own company, Boho Belgian, and she has really made this style warm using earth tones, more accessories, and more pattern, but still kept it true to it's burlap-and-pared-down-swedish roots.
Have you seen her home's recent feature in BHG's special magazine "Decorating"? It's so pretty! Take a peek:
I love the earthy, muted colors, the use of things we all love: urns, feathers, topiary, trays, books, mirrors, apothecary jars, and shells. I *heart* the grain sack slipcovers in the background of the 2nd picture.
Will definitely be keeping my eye on Boho Belgian's website. Really great stuff.
Oh I love to be the first to comment! Thanks for sharing all of these photos. I love this style too. But like you, I don't know if I could achieve it in my own home. Sure is beautiful though....maybe I'll take an element here and there and try to incorporate it ;-)
swoon! that pantry is a room all in itself!! Love it!!
I swear, you and I are soulmates.
I JUST went to Books-A-Million yesterday and stared at Ina Garten's house for about 20 minutes! I even showed it to Kevin and said...."you see this? this is my dream house!".
SECOND- (I'm so excited to share this with you) Kirsten Hollister called me last month because she found my blog and would like to submit photos and a story on the Lettered Cottage to Better Homes and Gardens! How cool is that!?
I haven't mentioned anything on my blog, because I don't want to jinx it, but since you did this post I just HAD to tell you!!!
The Lettered Cottage
Layla! That is H.U.G.E. How flattered were you??? I think I would fall over and pass out if she called me. I am so excited for you - congratulations!!!!!!!! Please keep me posted as to the progress!
Layla! That is H.U.G.E. How flattered were you??? I think I would fall over and pass out if she called me. I am so excited for you - congratulations!!!!!!!! Please keep me posted as to the progress!
Serious swooning going on.
I love the open shelving pantry, however, I would like it better if the shelves were stainless!
I love the new look to your blog! You and Layla at the Lettered Cottage have really inspired me to start my own blog - to say what I do not know. I share your passions for all things vintage used in a modern way, creating a beautiful home for my family and then recreating it again! I have always "helped" friends with their homes and have dreamed of one day actually building on that - who knows where this will take me! I look forward to beoming part of this community of like-minded women. Look for forever*cottage soon - because of my husband's job I have created cozy cottages in many states and finally (and hopefully) I feel like we are in our "forever cottage". Jill
Hi Jill and welcome!
Thank you for the compliment and I am so happy you will be joining us bloggers. I have only been at this a short while but find it addicting. You sound like you have so much in common with me - it will be great to have you. Come back and visit my blog when you get yours up and running so I can be sure and stop by to visit!
I wanted to introduce myself as a new viewer of your blog. I definitely think we have a lot in common because as I was reading your blog I kept thinking, "yep, I get that, love it, totally agree" and on and on and on!
I'm also new to blogging and I'm in the process of collecting stuff to sell. I have the entire theme in my head. The look, the tags, how the tables will be draped, and spend lots of time in my head planning out the details. I would love to hear about what you're doing in your part of the world.
I live on the east coast in Maryland. Check out my blog sometime. I'm just getting started but the plan is to ramp up into decorating blogs too and the segue into announcing my show, etc.
Gail Kramer
We love Kristen! She has an amazing sense of style and just a truly delightful person (she purchased the angel/cherubs featured in "O at Home" from my store, as well as several other items). I'm so excited for her latest venture and know she'll do exceptionally well!
Wonderful post provided about Belgian Style better homes and gardens. Thanks for sharing.
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