I am thrilled beyond belief to be receiving my first award, from just 4 DAYS AFTER STARTING MY BLOG! I am even more thrilled to be receiving this award from Layla at http://theletteredcottage.blogspot.com/. If for some reason you have been vacationing on Mars and have missed her blog, please hop right on over for absolute inspiration. She has the most classic, clean, understated yet dramatic decorating style. I love it a million times over! Thank you so much, truly. This means the world to me.
There are 5 rules for this award:
1. Choose 5 blogs you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community regardless of the language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner should show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented him/her with the award.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the award should show the Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Show these rules.And the award goes to.....
The Top 5 Bloggers who inspired me through their design talent to start my own blog:
- Layla at http://theletteredcottage.blogspot.com/ (and not just because she gave this to me. She is truly one of my favorite blogs, and very inspirational to me)
- Sara at http://www.sadieolive.typepad.com/ I envy her style, sense of grace, and amazing great taste. I would move into her house and sleep in her guest bedroom if she would let me.
- The Nester at http://nestingplacenc.blogspot.com/ I could totally hang with this girl in real life. A true decorating genius.
- Debbie Dusenberry at http://www.curioussofa.blogspot.com/ OMG if I ever make it to the midwest, I am going to ask permission to sleep on one of those Bella Note beds. I often go into her archives just to drool over pictures of what I consider to be the perfect store.
- Fifi over at http://fabulousfifi.typepad.com/ Even though I haven't communicated with her in over a year (!), I posted on her blog a couple of times and this incredibly busy, incredibly talented, sweet woman emailed me back and forth several times. Love her!!!
Thank you so much again!
Congrats on your award after only 4 days!! I just started a blog too...but no award yet :(
Stop by and say "Hi" to a fellow newbie blogger.
Thanks you so much Kari! You are so sweet!
Come on over to my blog and enter my Giveaway!
The Lettered Cottage
Hello! I came over here from my friend Layla, and you've got such a great blog! I hope you enjoy blogging! It's addictive!
Thank you so much! I'm a lazy loser so maybe one day I will pass this on....
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