you can give me your opinion on these pictures without wondering how I could have possibly taken such terrible pictures. It's easy: 2 young kids, a crappy camera {too lazy to drag out the big boy one in the closet} and only 14 seconds. There. Now back to the dilemna at hand.
After reading quite a few posts on shutters, I finally got inspired to use some I've had sitting in my garage for over a year. A friend remodeled {a friend who knows how crazy I am and loves me anyway} and offered them to me. Of course! Tired of my above couch display, Ifirst propped them on the floor flanking a PB shelf and clock. Here's how that went, notice the umpteen tweaks I made to the contents of the shelf:
#1 Dishes, books, and 1 topiary

#2 Dishes, books, 2 topiaries and a seashell:

#3 Dark horrible picture of asymmetrical grouping:

Then I decided I was too bizarre for words and nailed the bad boys to the wall {with email help from Nester} and flanked them with more of the just-scored-stash of ironstone from Goodwill.
#4 No shelf, lots of ironstone.

So, which look do you prefer??? I am so undecided. But I do know I love the shutters. They are very textural and kind of lighten up my heavy couch. I want to keep them, but if all the options are just horrible, tell me that too. Just in a kind way.
I like numbers two and four best; I love balance. I'm kinda weird like that, though. :)
I love #4. It makes the illusion of a window and looks like you could be somewhere in Europe. Good luck!
I like #1 or #2, my first thought was #1 though. You'll find a way that is perfect for you!
I'd turn those bad boys sideways/longways and stack them and use up the whole wall just with the shutters==why hide half of them behind the sofa?
But I LOVE them!
I was just going to suggest what nester said , turn them on their sides but I am thinking just stack two and then the clock above and small plates either side of the clock , then beside top shutter large plates either side and below those plates smaller plates either side. I think it will be a better balance , use the other two panels else where , flanking a window or large bathroom mirror.
You guys are THE BEST! I appreciate all the feedback! I have now hung them sideways and combined what Nester/Chris said. I think it looks SO MUCH better!!! It puts it all in balance now, and I never would have thought of that. I will post a new pic soon. Thanks again!!!
I can't wait to see the new pics.
I like option 2 and 3... it all very interesting..!! =)
Totally agree with the sideways thing. Can't wait to see the pics! And I just have to say that I was laughing when I kept looking at the different pictures, bc if you are anything like me, then you were prob too lazy to move that honkin' couch each time you moved decor around, and instead decided to stand on the wobbly cushions and take down decor, and put it back up. Maybe not. But Just a guess.
I did this last year with a huge shelf that I put up... and at one point I lost my balance on the too soft cushion and knocked myself right in the head with a peg, that stuck out at the bottom of the shelf.
I was already SO annoyed that my recent home decor wasn't working with the new shelf, and the head injury just made it worse.
My hubby tried not to laugh and asked me if I wanted a stool.....
ya... I ripped his head off and it almost turned into a fight. but hey... I finally got it perfect after a few more "balanced" tries. hee hee. Decorating can be a dangerous job. So great work.
Ps. LOVE your blog. "bad" pictures and all! :) jk
Oooh, #4!
NUMBER .......2 gets my vote, it looks the most relaxed,like it was effortless(does that make sense)Enjoy your day,Chrissy
I like #2- but the shutters look a bit too low for the rest of the arrangement. Could you maybe hang them a bit higher on the wall, flanking the shelf? So that the tops of the shutters are just a smidge higher than the top of the clock. It can be a real pain getting these things "just right," non?
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